Video now available about Georgetown’s Environmental Metrology and Policy (EMAP) Program.
This video discusses the Environmental Metrology and Policy (EMAP) Program at Georgetown University.
Category: News Story
The EMAP Program is featured on the Georgetown Global Engagement site
The EMAP Program is featured on the Georgetown Global Engagement site: “Georgetown Offers New Master’s in Environmental Metrology and Policy.”
Category: News Story
New Master’s Degree Melds Environmental Measurements Science and Policy
An article about the Environmental Metrology and Policy (EMAP) Program was published on the Georgetown University Graduate School website.
Category: News Story
Professor Phil Hagan Participates in the American Chemical Society (ACS) Annual Meeting
Representing the EMAP Program, Professor Phil Hagan participated the American Chemical Society (ACS) Annual Meeting’s Networking Social with graduate school recruiters in San Francisco on Sunday April 2, 2017.
Category: News Story
U.S. Senators Announce New Bipartisan Chemistry Caucus
A group of U.S. Senators announced a bipartisan chemistry caucus. Per the news release by the office of Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), the group that consists of four co-chairs: Senators Chris Coons (D-DE), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Steve Daines (R-MT), and Gary Peters (D-MI). Additionally, Senators John Boozman (R-AR), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), John Neely Kennedy (R-LA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) “…will work with their colleagues in the Senate to underscore the importance of employing sound science to create effective public policy and to promote initiatives that encourage the development of chemical manufacturing and a new generation of chemists in the U.S. through world-class education and research programs.” The latter statement fits perfectly with the mission statement of Georgetown’s Environmental Metrology and Policy (EMAP) Program.
Category: News Story
DC Government Approve Licensure for the Environmental Metrology & Policy (EMAP) Program
The DC Government officially approved on Friday, March 24, 2017 the licensure for the new Environmental Metrology & Policy (EMAP) Program at Georgetown University. Early in February 2017, Georgetown University’s Board of Directors approved the EMAP Program to begin offering classes after Fall 2017.
Category: News Story