EMAP MS – CHEM PhD Dual Degree Program

For students who have a good mastering of college-level chemistry, the Environmental Metrology & Policy Program and the Department of Chemistry at Georgetown University are pleased to offer jointly an EMAP MS–CHEM PhD dual degree program (ECDD).

Admissions and Enrollment

Students who are interested in pursuing ECDD shall apply to, be admitted by and matriculated first in the MS-EMAP. To continue in the ECDD, students shall apply to and be admitted to the CHEM PhD program by the end of the 2nd semester of MS-EMAP by following the normal CHEM PhD application/admission procedure but with a different deadline (March 15), co-matriculated in the MS-EMAP and CHEM PhD program in their 3rd and 4th semesters if being admitted to CHEM PhD, and matriculated only in the CHEM PhD program thereafter.

Curriculum Structure

The following are the curriculum requirements for students who follow the ECDD.

  1. Students shall be in good academic standing (average GPA 3.0 or above) in the first two semesters of the EMAP curriculum.
  2. Once admitted to the CHEM PhD program, Students shall take two advanced foundation courses and two other regular graduate courses in the curriculum of CHEM PhD program in lieu of EMAP 517, EMAP 520 and electives of MS-EMAP during the 3rd and 4th semesters. The credits of the four chemistry PhD courses shall be counted toward the total credits required for the MS-EMAP.
  3. Students in good academic standing after finishing the total MS-EMAP credits (at least 35 credits) shall be awarded the MS in EMAP.
  4. Students shall be exempted from all other coursework required by the CHEM PhD program except CHEM 915 (Intro to Chem Research) and the literature seminar (CHEM 703). However, students may take an additional CHEM PhD course if deemed important for students’ development and PhD research per their respective mentors.
  5. Students shall pass the Phase I exams by the end of the 4th semester, Phase IIA exam no later than the 6th semester and Phase IIB exam no later than the 7th semester as required by the CHEM PhD program.
  6. Students shall follow all post-Phase IIA/IIB curriculum requirements of the CHEM PhD program leading to a PhD degree in chemistry. The conditions and requirements regarding to have a MS degree in Chemistry shall also apply to ECDD students.
  7. Students shall conduct their PhD research under the mentorship or co-mentorship of a tenure-line faculty member from the CHEM and are expected to finish it no later than the 12th semester under normal circumstances.

The total credits (32) of the CHEM PhD curriculum is satisfied by ECDD students as follows:

12 credits: 4 EMAP electives replaced by 4 CHEM 500-level courses. These 12 credits will also be counted as the MS-EMAP credits

9 credits: satisfied by four EMAP courses (EMAP 502, 512, 513, and 518) transferred from EMAP program.

1 credit: CHEM 915

1 credit: CHEM 903

9 credits: CHEM 920 (Research for Credits)

Financial Responsibilities

Students who are interested in pursuing ECDD shall be responsible for arranging their own financial means to cover tuitions, health insurance and living expenses for the period of MS-EMAP studies, which includes the overlapping 3rd and 4th semesters. For their ensuing CHEM PhD studies, their stipends shall a priori be supported by the teaching assistantships made available to CHEM PhD students for TA-ing MS-EMAP courses before other funding sources become available to them. The CHEM PhD program shall be responsible for their remaining expenses.

PhD Mentor Selection

  1. Students who follow the ECDD shall select a mentor or a co-mentor from the CHEM PhD program after being admitted to the latter by the end of the 3rd semester by following the mentor-selection procedure in CHEM, which includes attending faculty research presentations, and be officially finalized according to the Student Handbook of CHEM PhD program.
  2. In close consultation with the selected mentor, students are recommended to integrate their future PhD research project into their research activities in MS-EMAP.