Raytan Vares

Aloha! My name is Raytan and I come to the Hilltop after spending the last nine years working in the public, private, and non-profit sectors in both Honolulu, Hawaii, and Washington, DC. I am excited to expand upon the experiences and knowledge I have working primarily in and around the public policy arena with this program. Whether it was as a legislative assistant for members of leadership in the Hawaii State House and Senate, a citizen advocate on my local neighborhood board, or as a lobbyist for a waste-to-energy firm – I revel in the thrill of the legislative process and can attest to being on many different sides of it. I hope to build a firm foundation in the environmental metrology field that will allow me to look through a scientific lens at our country’s environmental laws and regulations.

Being born and raised in Hawaii, it was organic so to speak to come to appreciate the natural environment that fed me, gave me precious childhood memories playing down by the beach, and my first job as a student worker at the Harold L. Lyon Arboretum and Botanical Garden. My roots as a Native Hawaiian further strengthens my resolve for protecting the environment for future generations. When I am not working, I enjoy going to the gym, reading, and watching a great game of golf (I am worse at playing it!). Feel free to reach me at, rv461@georgetown.edu

I am excited to expand upon the experiences and knowledge I have working primarily in and around the public policy arena with this program.