Mikela Waldman

Hello! My name is Mikela Waldman and I grew up in San Francisco, California where I developed my passion for environmental protection. I was raised surrounded by a community focused on supporting initiatives of equity and environmental justice. I graduated from Brown University in 2018 where I concentrated in environmental studies with a focus on law and policy. I spent my summers interning for a renewable energy incubator and a climate change communications organization where I learned about the vital intersection of science and policy when it comes to protecting our earth and its inhabitants.

I spent the last three years traveling the world playing professional soccer. I lived in Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Israel, and Spain where I was able to experience cultures and approaches to sustainability much different than those I had been accustomed to. My travels influenced me to seek a graduate program that could equip me with a wide range of tools— both from a policy and scientific standpoint— to address global challenges. I chose the EMAP program at Georgetown for this reason and look forward to developing the skillset I need to create change.

“My travels influenced me to seek a graduate program that could equip me with a wide range of tools— both from a policy and scientific standpoint— to address global challenges. I chose the EMAP program at Georgetown for this reason and look forward to developing the skillset I need to create change.