Andrew Wilps

My name is Andrew Wilps and I am from Media, Pennsylvania. I graduated from the University of Delaware in 2021 with my Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, after which I began working in the environmental crimes unit of the district attorney’s office for my county.  My interests in sustainability and climate policy, however, led me to discover the EMAP program.

Growing up, I was always surrounded by wildlife near my home which instilled in me a deep respect for nature. Recently however, an oil and gas pipeline was built through my community, resulting in a multitude of environmental mini-disasters which led me to realize how little the environment is actually considered when making certain policy decisions. I decided I wanted to work to promote impactful environmental causes in government and policy-making. My undergraduate experience expanded my understanding of these issues, but I soon realized I would need to combine my knowledge of policy and political science with a scientific understanding of environmental processes in order to be a successful advocate in this field. The EMAP program fulfills these needs precisely and that is why I am excited to be a part of this innovative program. The policy-oriented framework of this program, along with the technical skills it provides, will help me to properly advocate for issues surrounding environmental injustice in the public sphere.

The policy-oriented framework of this program, along with the technical skills it provides, will help me to properly advocate for issues surrounding environmental injustice in the public sphere.